Here’s the second in my series of sewing basics–the running stitch, plus more!
I made a little video to show you how to do the running stitch. It also includes:
- Winding your embroidery floss
- how to split your embroidery floss,
- threading the needle,
- tying a knot in the thread in a super-nifty way
- and tying a knot at the end.
The project–a DIY needle threader
I wanted to show you how to use a needle threader, since I had them for years and could never figure out how until someone showed me. But I didn’t have one, so I decided I would make one. I found this pattern for a threader that even uses the running stitch! It’s pretty cute, right? It’s a spool of thread–maybe that’s obvious, but I didn’t see it right away.
The video
So, here’s the video:
I used this beading wire, which was the thinnest wire I had. It works for the bigger eyed needles, but not for the little ones (which are really the ones you need it for–oh, well). You could also use fishing line, according to the instructions, but I didn’t have that either.
Still, it was fun to make and it’s pretty cute. I followed the pattern except that I sewed around the edges of the spool instead of gluing it. Also, I didn’t bother punching holes in the felt to put the wire through. It was really easy to just poke it on through.
And here’s the finished project:
If you’re just starting out, be sure to check out my first sewing basics post–choosing the right needle.