I’m so excited that my article, The nine dancing princesses, has been published!
So here’s the link to the article I wrote for Gateways–Fall 2016. “The Nine Dancing Princesses.” It’s about the challenges of girls in Waldorf Early Childhood classrooms. The theme of the issue was gender.
Gateways is the journal for the Waldorf Early Childhood Association of North America (WECAN).
My classroom of girls
For many years, I taught a nursery class. The children aged from almost 3 to barely 4. I wrote this article about the year that I had 9 little girls in my class. I’d never heard so many cries of, “You’re not invited to my birthday party.” They could be so mean to each other! And they had a lot of fun, too. They sometimes spontaneously broke into “All the single ladies”–singing and dancing–during playtime. Perhaps not age-appropriate, but heart-warming, nonetheless.
Later in the year, one boy joined us. My goodness, he missed his mama. He sat in my lap in the rocking chair and cried–and he cried loudly! He was inconsolable those first few days. Until–two girls came over to tell me about their fight. One pushed the other and she fell down (no one got hurt, but these things definitely happen)
And the little boy burst out laughing!
That stopped the fight!!
And that was, as far as I can remember, the last time he cried in class!
That’s the story of the nine dancing princesses
And that’s all for now.
Thanks for stopping by.
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