The water of life–I dreamt early this morning about water. First I found myself in a room called “the monster room” which flooded. Pushing on the crash bar, I escaped from the dark monster room. I carried 3 goldfish–two the regular orange color and one shine silver. Finally, I found a deep puddle to put them in, but when I looked back, they were gone. I asked my self where they had gone. They had returned to the source–the water of life. (I wanted to go, too, but I woke up)
Happy Poetry Friday!
And did you know it’s also National Trust Your Intuition Day (and National Clean Up Your Room Day, which I’m not celebrating!)
Thanks to this week’s Poetry Friday host, Elizabeth Steinglass, and congratulations to Elizabeth on her upcoming new book–Soccerverse! (poems about soccer)
And, of course, Mother’s Day is coming this Sunday. I always feel a little blue to be away from my mom and my daughters on Mother’s Day, but that’s just how it is–at least this time around.
Mother’s and the Water of Life
I woke up after my watery dream thinking about my mom and the fountain of life–thinking my mom gave me life (my dad, too, but it’s not his day until next month).
As a long-time teacher of young children and parents, I think a lot about parenting and the wonderful gifts and challenge of it. (For example, Parenting–the toughest job you’ll ever love)
But today, the water image has stuck with me, so here’s a little attempt at a poem about mothers (I tried not to be overly sentimental, but I do feel rather mushy thinking about my mom because she’s awesome!):
You held me in the water of your womb
for nine months
Before releasing me into the
cold, dry world.
But even after I left that
warm, wet, safe place,
you bathed me in
the fountain of your self
I splashed in the water
of your love
and sometimes your tears
your fears
and anger.
But your love has supported me
like the warm ocean water
in Hawaii
Given me life
nourished me.
What greater gift
can there be
And what better way
to say thanks
Than to become the fountain
for your grandchildren.
Thanks for stopping by–and Happy Mother’s Day to those of you who celebrate it!